“you& fobsp;these days in my class.(你最近在我的课上很不认真啊)”他直截了当地说,让我有些不好意思地低头玩起了手指。
“don’t do that. look at me.(别玩儿了。看着我。)”他的声音依旧十分不容置疑,我只好抬头看着他那双蓝眼睛。
“i know you h□□e your o; to say,(我知道你有很多问题疑难。但我必须告诉你,)” 帽檐下露出的那双蓝眼睛很认真,很清澈,充满关切,让我呼吸一滞,“pens, you h□□e no bsp;but to move on. you bsp;bsp;to give up&hing you think that you ever obtain or you bsp;bsp;to try your& and do whatever you .(不管发生了什么,你没有任何选择,只能接着走下去。你可以选择放弃那些你自己觉得你永远都不可能得到的东西,或者说,你可以选择做你自己所能尽的一切努力去得到它) ”
“maybe you think that ;i said has&old by teabsp;or&s or people ;subsp;for tless times. but that is the proof of ;i said ;true and useful.(可能你觉得我说的都是老掉牙的话了。但是这就是为什么我说的话是很有用的)”
“so, john.”陶瓷先生站了起来,拍了拍我的肩膀,“start your&udy. if you bsp;my word in bsp;you would kno;i h□□e given you a lot of work to do today.(快点开始自习吧。如果你上课认真听了,你就会知道我今天给你们布置了多少作业)”说完他便自顾自回到座位上,戴上耳机打开了视频网页看了起来。