演唱会现场钟季柏一手环在胸前,拿着话筒的手撑在那只手的手臂上,话筒抵在下巴上歪头看着正在说话的盛景,眉眼带笑,像是要把他看进心底深处,待他说完话把目光投向他时,他很自然地接过话头:“i think i h□□e already& your love and kns.just&he lyri this so important thing to me is your happiness.so i wonder knoy now?”
演唱会临近尾声的时候他站在舞台中央,穿着一件印着这次巡演主题的白色t恤和牛仔裤,头发早已被连续三个多小时不停歇的演出打湿,他喝了口水轻喘着气说:“ok,i think i'm fi person who i ;to&h in my& of life.i h□□e a lot of things ;to tell you but not no;you‘ll think that person is so lubsp;to& my&ually,i'm the lubsp;guy in the whole ;i s;i'll tell you&ruth,a i ;to& your bless first.the& song is write for that persoeh you》。”