PO18文学 > 耽美小说 > 囚鸟 下 > 分卷阅读17


    囚鸟 下 作者:璃海


    囚鸟 下 作者:璃海


    f a love song

    oh oh oh oh

    lord make me a rainbow, i\'ll shine down on my mother

    she\'ll know i\'m&h you

    wheands under my colors

    oh and life ain\'t al;;you think it ought to be, no

    ain\'t eve she buries her baby

    the sharp knife of a short life, well

    & enough time

    if i die youin

    lay me down on a bed of roses

    sihe& dawn

    sehe words of a love song

    the sharp knife of a short life, well

    & enough time

    ae ;dom

    im as green as the ring on my little bsp;finger

    i\'ve he lovin\' of a man

    but it sure& nibsp;when he ;holding my hand

    there\'s a boy here in to;he\'ll love me forever

    who ;hought forever bsp;be severed by

    the sharp knife of a short life, well

    i\'ve had just enough time

    so put on your& boys and i\'ll ;my pearls

    ;i never did is done

    &s, oh no i\'ll&hem for a dollar

    they\'re worth so mubsp;moner

    and&hen you\'ll&he words i been singin

    funny when you\'re dead how people start listenin

    if i die youin

    lay me down on a bed of roses

    sihe& dawn

    sehe words of a love song

    oh oh

    the ballad of a dove

    go with pead love

    gather up your tears, keep \'em in your&

    &hem for a time when yonna need \'em oh

    the sharp knife of a short life, well

    i\'ve had just enough time

    so put on your& boys and i\'ll ;my pearls


    i\'ve had just enough time。是不是母亲也一样?她是否也感觉活了足够的时间呢?母亲说过,她已经无所求。可人类的贪念是无止境的,哪里会有人一无所求?只因为无法再有所求才无所求罢了。他一直知道,却要装作很安慰的表情来安慰安慰自己的母亲。人活着,不该是为自己而活的么?为何到最后却要用她认为的自己的幸福来满足她的愿望呢?这样真的圆满了吗?不过是表面的美满,遮掩住内里的残缺而已。人啊,总是这样的自欺欺人!可是,我们又能怎样呢?天地不仁,以万物为刍狗!我们都是这样卑微,于是我们只能这样卑微地活着,自我安慰着,继续卑微地前行。李峋的思绪有些混乱,想着想着已经跑出了很远。









    - 肉肉屋
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