“sunny bsp;home to her favorite roomsunny sat down ibsp;opened a book and a box of toolssunny bsp;home with a missionshe says days go by i'm hypnotizedi'm walking on a wirei y eyes and fly out of my mindinto the firesunny bsp;home with a list of namesshe didn't believe in tra's time for a fe;repairs she saidsunny bsp;home with a vengeanbsp;says days go by i don't know whyi'm walking on a wirei y eyes and fly out of my mihe kids and bring a&erdry is good and ; the years, you al;kstrike a matbsp;go on and do itdays go by i'm hypnotizedi'm walking on a wirei y eyes and fly out of my mihe sky and hold on tightthe world is burning downshe's out there on her o;she&#htsunny bsp;homesunny bsp;home……”程奕推开浴室的门出来的时候,看到的就是这样的一幕,温暖的阳光柔和的洒在床上,洒在了离咲的身上。离咲就靠在床头弹着吉他,嘴里轻声哼着。程奕一瞬间觉得,自己的心好像一下子就被某种温柔的东西填满了。或许,像这样安静的被守着,同时也守着眼前这个人就会得到幸福吧。是不是只要用心的接受了就可以幸福了呢?程奕静静的走到床边,坐在了离咲的身旁。他看着离咲放下了手中的吉他渐渐的向自己靠了过来。“你洗澡就是在邀请我吧?”程奕笑了笑,不说话,贴近了离咲。感受到嘴唇被轻轻的啃咬着,程奕闭上了眼睛。两个人就势躺了下去。辗转的吻直到快要不能呼吸才停止。离咲静静的看着程奕眼神中充满了深情。白色的浴袍滑过程奕的身体散落在床上,离咲细细的吻着身下人的身体,抚摸着平滑的肌肤,流露出不加掩饰的温柔。怎么可能放开他?心已经被彻底的占据,在他拿起刀的那一刹那心脏差点停止了跳动,只想彻底的占有他,从肉体到心灵都彻底的占有,或许只有这样才能证明两个人之间的感情叫做“爱”。深深浅浅的吻落在程奕古铜色的肌肤上,留下了淡淡的痕迹。此刻的程奕正在尽力的克制那呼之欲出的呻吟,只是不时发出了低沉的闷哼与深深的喘息。