e i saw you on the bsp;show, you look mubsp;more&iful than before.”
安潇潇听懂了lily是在夸自己,于是很含蓄地笑了一下“thank you.”
“he&o be very busy these days. you should be very b i?”
安潇潇“恩”了一声,随即又礼貌地说“i'm okay. but i heard susan say you bsp;here to fihe matter?”
“oh! it’s not so big deal. i just heard& a girlfriend, also bebsp;of you put my&er andy ;very sad,so i just&o look, did is still you.”
lily说到最后,把目光直直定格在了安潇潇的脸上。安潇潇被那双看起来充斥着杀意的眼睛吓到,一只手暗自攥着裙摆的褶皱。顿了顿,故作平静地仰起头,努力保持着高傲姿态地说“i'm sorry, it's still me.”
lily的表情在恶毒的僵硬之后突然又绽起了美丽的微笑,她把手习惯性地放在耳朵上面的珍珠耳环上,优雅地走到了身后的沙发上坐下。把左腿搭在右腿上之后,又开始低头把玩着手里的钻石戒指“i say so, how mubsp;money do you want?”
“whibsp;i mean is that,i know the ;you are,you ;to with him is just bebsp;of money,i give you& make you leave him.you are a smart girl,i think you kno;i mean.”
lily白了一眼安潇潇,顺势转头望向窗外,许久,又继续游说起来“you should know.he and his father’s&ionship is not good.he o solidate his pany.he need mohe business.my husband has the power.if he help jue.jue’s business beore and more powerful.so he should to&ogether ;er andy.you didn’t has ao him.”