harlie.i’m a designer for bsp;klein,whibsp;you ;it now.”charlie说着指了指安潇潇身上的ck牛仔裙,安潇潇理解地点了点头,又听charlie继续说“and i&here bebsp;of my friend andy ‘s bsp;;lost there last night.so i just&o& for her.”
charlie挠了挠自己的脑袋,抬手指了指赢珏卧室半开的房门说“oh!& is.”charlie说着走到沙发前,拾起一件cucci的新款孔雀蓝外套对着安潇潇摇了摇手“got it ,so i think i go.”charlie说着,眼神不自觉地就停在了安潇潇一脸懵懂的脸上“but i don’t know your name?”
“oh!”安潇潇反应过来“my name is 安潇潇···no! xiaoxiao an,is that right?”
安潇潇点点头,转而一脸庆幸地望向charlie“but why my thihere”安潇潇万分不能肯定,自己的话没有语法错误。
不过好在charlie听懂了,他指着笔记本说“i got&ebook on a ;a week ago,on erid rachel’weddire dame de paris.”
“in what?”安潇潇仍旧一脸惘然。
charlie比手画脚地和安潇潇解释“the famous bsp;paris.”
charlie握着手里的包,一脸温柔笑意地望着安潇潇“i just think that notebook is iing,and i& just think if someday i will find the& i didn’t thught so fast.”charlie说着说着又开始不安分地用眼神挑拨着面前的安潇潇“and i ;to kno;ionship about you and&he yingjue,if you& his girlfriend, i ask you out?”
安潇潇顿住,在确定了思想开放的外国大帅哥charlie是在约自己之后,立刻回绝“sorry,i am his girlfriend.”