“;half a mile a;from the ;er.”陈立对众人解说,“the dust ;so thid the room looked& had been& for a hundred years.” (译:我们去了一个离世贸中心半个迈的办公室,房间里灰尘很厚,就好像有一百年没人用了。)
老头补充道:“the dust ;accumulated in just one day. we did a short-term exposure analysis and found all kinds of pos i, glass fibers, bsp;anhydrite,&al, and even&os.” (译:那些灰尘就是在一天内累积起来的。我们做了一个短期污染物风险分析,在灰尘里发现各种成分,玻璃纤维、水泥(粉末)、脱水硫酸钙(美国建筑墙面的主要成分)、金属(粉末)、甚至还有石棉。)
“thought&os had been banhe us.” 陶郁说,“it is the most on bsp;of luowers built?” (译:我以为美国几十年前就禁止(在建筑材料中使用)石棉了。它是最常见的导致肺癌的原因。双子塔是什么时候建的?)
&os ;bahe u.s. in 1979.&ere built a bsp;years before so i’m not surprised.”一位专门做室内空气的教授解释完,转向陈立道,“ i believe&os is still wildly used in bsp;if ;his building, it will be very&o find&os in dubsp;insulators, and materials.” (译:美国1979年开始禁止使用石棉材料。双子塔的建成比那早几年,所以不奇怪。没有冒犯的意思,但是据我所知石棉材料在中国仍然广泛应用。如果我们检查这间屋子,很有可能会在管道、隔热层和其它建筑材料中发现石棉。)
老头说:“i’ve&udies showing if you leave in an&os g& you dohe opposite ;the risk of&ing lung bsp;would&han normal. but if you smoke and live in an&os g& the&ime, the moster ;o you.”(译:我看过一些研究,如果你抽烟但不住在含有石棉的房子里,或者相反,患癌症的风险并不比正常情况高很多。但如果你既抽烟又住在含有石棉的屋子里,那“怪兽”就会找到你了。)
陶郁笑道:“your house is ne; you told bsp;the story so she allows you to& home.” (译:你家房子