PO18文学 > 都市小说 > 每天太阳照常升起 > 第31章 尼亚加拉大瀑布(2)

第31章 尼亚加拉大瀑布(2)

    oh,how the strife and trouble of daily life receded from my view,and lessened in the distance,during the ten memorable days we passed on that enchanted ground!what voices spoke from out the thundering water;what faces,faded from the earth,looked out upon me from its gleaming depths;what heavenly promise glistened in those angels‘tears,the drops of many hues,that showered around,and twined themselves about the gorgeous arches which the changing rainbows made!
    i never stirred in all that time from the canadian side,whither i had gone at first.i never crossed the river again;for i knew there were people on the other shore,and in such a place it is natural to shun strange company.to wander to and fro all day,and see the cataracts from all points of view;to stand upon the edge of the great horse-shoe fall,marking the hurried water gathering strength as it approached the verge,yet seeming,too,to pause before it shot into the gulf below;to gaze from the river’s level up at the torrent as it came streaming down;to climb the neighbouring heights and watch it through the trees,and see the wreathing water in the rapids hurrying on to take its fearful plunge;to linger in the shadow of the solemn rocks three miles below;watching the river as,stirred by no visible cause,it heaved and eddied and awoke the echoes,being troubled yet,far down beneath the surface,by its giant leap;to have niagara before me,lighted by the sun and by the moon,red in the day‘s decline,and grey as evening slowly fell upon it;to look upon it every day,and wake up in the night and hear its ceaseless voice:this was enough.
    i think in every quiet season now,still do those waters roll and leap,and roar and tumble,all day long;still are the rainbows spanning them,a hundred feet below.still,when the sun is on them,do they shine and glow like molten gold.still,when the day is gloomy,do they fall like snow,or seem to crumble away like the front of a great chalk cliff,or roll down the rock like dense white smoke.but always does the mighty stream appear to die as it comes down,and always from its unfathomable grave arises that tremendous ghost of spray and mist which is never laid:which has haunted this place with the same dread solemnity since darkness brooded on the deep,and that first flood before the deluge —light—came rushing on creation at the word of god.
新书推荐: 旧神,连发枪和禁酒令 四合院:游戏红尘 阴寿书 大唐李承乾:请陛下称万岁 杜林日记 半岛之我真是顶流 身为精灵天王的我加入聊天群 这个明星要登月 灵源仙尊 某科学的都市名捕