PO18文学 > 玄幻小说 > 星战:开端 > 第6章 紧急商讨

第6章 紧急商讨

    第6章 紧急商讨
    “we first took back the volkswagen cargo port in sector 3 and sent our ota fleet to land on the earth。(我们先把第三区的大众货港夺回来,在出动我们的奥塔舰队登入地球。)”“that's a good idea,but we need to get the signal source of the seventh fleet to be assembled on the ota warship,otherwise the earth's anti-aircraft turret will destroy the ota warship。(那个主意不错,但是我们要拿到第七舰队的信号源组装在奥塔战舰上,否则地球的防空炮塔会击落奥塔战舰队的。)”门口卫兵“hello,ander。(指挥官好。)”“what are you discussing?(你们在讨论什么?)”“about returning to earth。(关于重返地球。)”“let's clear the earthmen in the third district first。(先清除第三区的地球人吧。)”“ander,we plan to clear the earthmen in sector 3 and use the signal source of the seventh fleet to land the ota battleship on earth。(指挥官,我们计划清除第三区的地球人后用第七舰队的信号源让奥塔战舰登陆地球。)”“why are you in such a hurry to land on earth?we can eliminate the supply depots that the earthlings have set up on saturn, and they will certainly send warships to support them。 as soon as they send their warships to jump, we destroy their warships. at that time, there will be no battleships on earth, and we are assembling the signal sources from their battleships into our warships, and it is very easy to land on earth。(你们为什么这么着急登陆地球?我们可以将地球人在土星设置的补给站给铲除,他们肯定会派遣战舰来支援他们。只要他们派出战舰跃迁,我们就摧毁他们的战舰。到时候地球一艘战舰都没有,我们在将他们战舰上的信号源组装到我们的战舰上,登陆地球还不是轻而易举。)”“you say it's easy.。are the people of earth so stupid? besides, saturn is still guarded by the second fleet, and if we want to occupy it, we will have to go to war with the second fleet。(你说的容易。地球的人有这么傻吗?再说了,土星那里还有第二舰队看守,我们如果要占领还得和第二舰队开战。)”“you each have your own reasons, so that general adler will lead a fleet to engage the second fleet。general sheffield led a fleet to attack the third district. what do you think?(你们各有各的道理,这样,阿德勒将军带一支舰队去和第二舰队交战。谢菲德将军带一支舰队去攻打第三区。怎么样?)”阿德勒将军:“agree with you。(同意。)”谢菲德将军:“no problem at all。(完全没问题。)”“then you will go back to your respective headquarters to discuss the tactical deployment, and i hope for success rather than failure。(那你们就回各自的指挥部商讨一下战术部署,我希望的是成功而不是失败。)”
    阿德勒指挥部。“all personnel use their brains to think of specific plans, only allow success, not failure.。hurry up, move your brains。again,we are a group and we must trust each other.。so, someone thought that a good plan must be e up!(所有人员动动脑子,想想具体方案,只许成功,不许失败。快点,动起你们的脑子。重申一遍,我们是一个团体,我们必须互相信任。所以,有人想到好的方案必须拿出来!)”
    谢菲德指挥部。“my troops will never allow defeat! absolute! so, we have to think of a perfect plan! our opponent is the first fleet, and we must defeat him, they are just a few pieces of scrap iron! again, i absolutely will not allow failure!(我的部队绝对不允许失败!绝对!所以,我们必须想一个完美的方案!我们的对手,是第一舰队,我们必须打败他,他们就是几块废铁!再说一遍,我绝对不允许失败!)”
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