牧师叩首问宋铭淮:“marvin, &ands by your side is going to be your wife. she will look to you for fort, for support, for love, for&anding, for e, and for&ion. you must&ake her franted, and al;stand by her food or ill.” (你是否愿意娶你身边的女人为妻,按照圣经的教训与他同住,在神面前和她结为一体,爱她、安慰她、尊重她、保护他,像你爱自己一样。不论她生病或是健康、富有或贫穷,始终忠於她,直到离开世界?)
宋铭淮望向桑榆:“wherever you go, i will go.whatever you fabsp;i ;food times or bad times, in happiness or sadness, e ribsp;or&y, i take you as my wife.”
“你不用听懂” 宋铭淮捏捏桑榆的小手:“就是我爱你的意思”
牧师:“sung,the man who stands by your side is going to be your husband. he will look t